Career opportunities

Working sectors

Data processing and autonomous decision-making are essential components in the daily activity of many companies and institutions. Fields as diverse as biotechnology, genomics, e-commerce, automotive, finance, virtual reality, medicine, sports, energy, transportation, home automation... are immersed in colossal amounts of information that require mathematical, statistical and computational treatment. These areas cover a large part of the industrial fabric and public institutions around the world where the presence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is essential to manage, compete and innovate.

Graduates in Data Science and Engineering will enjoy a multidisciplinary training essential to meet the needs of companies, research centers and public institutions in the aforementioned areas. They will occupy highly qualified jobs where it is necessary to have scientific reasoning ability, engineering skills and a spirit of innovation.

Depending on the character and particular preferences, graduates may opt for more scientific tasks (for example, creating mathematical models to analyze data within a certain area), engineering (for example, designing computer applications to manage industrial processes) or 'innovation (for example, creating new devices that make self-driving cars more reliable).

The degree in Data Science and Engineering qualifies graduates to develop their professional activity in the following areas:

  • Leadership and project management both in large multinationals and in new specialized companies and in sectors as diverse as finance, medicine, automotive, distribution and sales via the internet or video games.
  • Data analysis for the financial sector, insurance companies and administrations that need to work with large volumes of information.
  • Optimization of the use of resources and process planning in companies, transport systems and public management.

Degree students can access the ETSETB, FIB and FME job offers boards.